Manual Therapy, Structural Integration, Functional Movement Coaching & Bodywork Education

Alex Susbauer, BA, BCSI, LMT #8205, CPT

As an LMT, Structural Integrator and Certified Personal Trainer I practice a mixture of bodywork and corrective exercise/movement to help free tissue restrictions and retrain movement patterns with the goal of comfortable and functional movement. This typically looks like 20-30 minutes of focused manual therapy and 30-40 minutes of movement coaching. The bodywork is targeted to the areas that need the most release and the movement coaching is tailored to where each client has challenges to their functional movement and strength (and often, consequently feel pain).


“I appreciate how you helped me find my squat, not by telling me what to do, but by giving me movements to explore so I was able to find it myself. My knees and back don’t hurt any more when I squat now!”

“I stopped by my office on the way home, walked down the hallway and noticed that I had all kinds of fluid movements through my hips. That’s some crazy voodoo stuff you know. Thank you!”

“The exercise where I lay on the foam roller with my knees up, I feel like my nervous system just woke up yesterday and realized there is a connection between my upper torso/arms and my hips to take advantage of when balancing myself. I actually feel like I am just getting curious about playing with that rather than just wanting to swear at you for assigning such an evil task!”

“Talk about freedom of movement …better than in years! The left hip knee ankle and ability to flex the left without pain or seeming impingement —much better flexion of the left thigh to chest. Amazing! Thank you!”

“This is me several years ago [referring to a photo]. Look at how much my crookedness has changed since we started working together.”

“Thank you for your cultivation of knowledge! You are impacting more people then you will ever know by sharing information and improving the quality of the industry!”